By Ricky Crespo

Music Producer
Multimedia Artist
Music Consulting
Graphic Design

About image

My name is Ricky Crespo, creator of Anirhythm. I'm a dynamic multimedia artist blending music production, CG art, animations, with an award-winning, background in the music industry with credits including icons such as Whitney Houston, Madonna, C&C Music Factory, Michael Jackson, Sir Mix A Lot, and James Brown to name a few.

Anirhythm is both my name as a Musical / Visual Artist and my indie label for my original works - Anirhythm Records.

Much love and respects,

Ricky Crespo

Streaming Sites

Label – Distributor Website
Sync Licensing


Note – All groups above are Ricky Crespo, with AniRhythm being the most current – “Ricky” was a bad seo decision when the label first started and now discontinued. Sinplexity was my first pseudo artist -name, The Anirhythm Club and The A R Club were originally created for collaborations with other artists. I decided to call the label and the artist “Anirhythm” for easy administration as a Label, Artist, Production company for both music and visual work. Anirhythm ( The record label ) and Anirhythm ( the artist ) are 2 separate entities.
Label image